The Ultimate Guide to Spirit and Entity Attachments: Signs, Causes, and Healing Solutions
Everything in this material world has a spirit form.
Many spirit forms are beneficial to human spirits, such as most of the spirits of nature and some benevolent higher beings in the upper realms. However, in this reality many spirits and shadow forms who’ve evolved out of the lifewave seek human bodies due to the light we carry as unique soul fractals of Source, God, Higgs Boson, Divine this infinitely expansive, all-knowing, energy field of divine love, truth, authenticity what you want. An entity attachment can be something as simple and common as a parasite in our stomach (H. Pylori, for example), or as nefarious as being possessed by a higher dimensional negative alien (of which there are many kinds) or demonic being. There are many more varieties of spirits than can be categorized or known, and the process of disentangling from these beings and becoming sovereign can be quite simple, such as ending a contract, or quite complex, requiring the collapsing of many timelines and patterns accommodating energy siphoning and the removal of structures such as portals, tunnels, or wormholes within one’s physical body in deep layers. The widespread prevalence of entity attachments and possession, especially within a culture that normalizes alcohol and drug use (which removes our natural auric shielding) can be so disconcerting and disturbing that most people would rather pretend this sector of the spirit world didn’t exist, understandably.
[A note on drugs and alcohol use: I have no issue with people’s lifestyle choices regarding substances as I consider these things none of my business. If you have an addiction you want to be free of, I can help you clear the spiritual causes for these urges. I offer psychedelic body integration and cleanup post-session for those who feel called. I believe people have the right to make free will choices for themselves, and I simply want to be a resource for them.]
For those who suspect they have an entity attachment or spirit attachment or have concerns about their sovereignty and are wanting more information,
Here are the signs of spirit attachments:
Physical symptoms such as fatigue, low vitality, and low energy.
Empath or HSP types who carry trauma patterns for family members can be covered in energy siphons, depleting their energy, and carrying dark alters of their alive or deceased relatives. Entity attachments encourage more entity attachments and cyclically weaken a person. People with autoimmune issues often have many entity attachments due to the low vibration of their tissues and fascia accommodating hosting, and the behavioral patterns of sacrifice, self-abandonment, codependency, martyrism, and inability to set boundaries.
2. Sleep Paralysis and Unwanted Astral Sexual Encounters.
Having the sensation of a spirit touching you, trying to communicate with you, sexually siphoning your energy, attempting to engage sexually with you in a hostile manner, putting pressure on your body, or attacking you. This usually happens at night and can feel like non-consensual sexual dreams or aggressive sexual contact as well, sometimes with people you may know. Certain types of entity attachments that are usually found in the astral realm such as sex demons, or attachments to former partners with addiction issues or unhealed trauma or a history of childhood sexual abuse are often linked with these types of attachments.
3. Intrusive Thoughts and Intense Emotions.
Feeling numb, dislocated, suicidal, psychosis, mental illness, having panic attacks and/or depression can be indicators of entity attachment. Intrusive thoughts of feeling emotional manipulated, like you’re not directing your emotions and are trapped in your body are often signs of possession. Negative thought patterns that are out of character, persistent brain fog, self-sabotage patterns and sudden and erratic behavior can also be indicators.
4. It’s often seen in the Eyes
Lifeless, flat eyes with little reflectivity or light penetrating through. Often with possession the entity can be seen assuming control in the eyes, talking through people like puppets. The person may have no memory or recollection of the entity possessing them, and simply feel sleepy or dissociated.
5. Psychic Attacks
Psychic attacks usually happen in the higher chakras above the head where there are many galactic wars happening and negative higher dimensional beings seeking a human vessel as a host to enter this reality. Psychic attacks vary, but can take the form of feeling watched, paranoia, feeling uneasy in your surroundings, or feeling as if you are being physically attacked. Sometimes if your psychic senses have awakened you may see the entity, or it may try to channel through you and gain control of you. There are also negative off-planet tracking spiritual technologies and stations that generate programs for the mental planes and various other interference to human bodies that can be removed. Just like those plugs in the back of the head in the movie The Matrix, there are dark spiritual technologies that look just like that in the spirit realm. There are also many etheric portals and cables that can be connected to someone’s head, connected with off-planet beings or stations, creating mental havoc and feelings of insanity, possession, looping thoughts and disorientation.
I recognize that all of these descriptions are disturbing and perhaps difficult to fathom; however, all of what you might be experiencing is something that can be cleared and your sovereignty restored, perhaps for the first time. Many of these things in our bodies are from the aeons of lifetimes stored in our soul’s history and are nothing to be feared, but something to become aware of.
What Causes Spirit and Entity Attachments?
Situations such as entity attachments, spirit attachments and possession often occur as a result of compounding factors. Consuming drugs or alcohol, which lowers our defensive barriers such as our natural auric protection compounded with unhealed childhood or ancestral trauma puts one at risk. However, many healers don’t acknowledge that experiencing entity or spirit attachments as an aeons-old soul on a planet that is currently in an ascension cycle can be a natural progression on a spiritual ascension journey. The process of developing spiritually in this reality, where humans are disconnected from themselves and their souls as a result of the societal conditions and structures we live in that encourage a diseased soul, entails a reclamation of the soul which would naturally be accompanied by kicking out the beings and foreign objects that have inhabited our bodies in our absence. This sudden entity attachment or possession can happen without a person’s conscious intent to develop spiritually, wherein a new pattern or past life with a cord to an entity comes into their body, following the natural energetic cycles and rhythms of this planet’s ascension cycle.
So, if you have an entity or spirit attachment and you’re going through a spiritual awakening, there’s a good chance you’re just a normal human being on this planet moving through centuries of layers of ancestral sludge, reclaiming yourself— Good job!
Perhaps you’ve taken psychedelics or had a third eye awakening, and started to see a host of things in your body space that you didn’t realize were there. Our bodies don’t allow us to see the dark side of the spirit world unless we have significant light and capacity to handle the fear, horror, and disempowerment that comes with realizing these things about ourselves and how we’ve been living— it takes a significant amount of safety in our bodies for our nervous systems to hold the capacity for such awarenesses. If you are suddenly starting to see these things in yourself and other people, it’s likely this is a positive spiritual development that is happening as a result of an increased perceptual awareness of this reality. Some of the beings in the shadows were aways there; they just can’t be seen unless the light expands to reveal them.
What are the types of things are found in people’s bodies related to spirit and entity attachments?
The spirit world, especially in the upper chakras (where you’ll be if you take psychedelics or have spiritual emergencies such as psychosis, kundalini awakenings, spiritual awakenings, dark nights of the soul, and spiritual existential crises) is very complex. It takes a healer with multidimensional awareness and experience navigating these realms through dark arts training to be able to clear these things in a person’s body. It isn’t enough to call on a benevolent spirit and energetically grid yourself, or various other DIY shamanic practices that were developed back when the Earth was in epochs before human beings had more access to the upper spiritual realms. It is quite easy to land in unfamiliar territory now, as human consciousness is rising and people have more awareness and connection with their upper spiritual chakras above the head.
Here is a list of some of the things that I have cleared from a person’s energy body:
Black Magic
Shadow Forms
Energy Hooks and Siphons
Typhoon Tunnels
Jellyfish SPE (like the matrix)
Cords to off-planet ships or stations
AI devices and their software programs Etheric Cybermachinery
Hybridization Etheric Overlays
Holographic Inserts
Perceptual Control Filters
Fragmentation/fragmented realities
Dark Alters and sub personalities
Reiki symbols and energetic attainments that are tied to dark or false light entities
Dead light matrices
Spiritual Habits that can Generate Spirit and Entity Attachments
Channeling spirits, Ouija boards, practicing Black Magic or connecting with demonic beings provides Free will consent for spirits to access you. It is important to have discernment when channeling spirits as many are negative entities in the astral realm who want to have access to a human body to get our energy (light). There are also many deceased human bodies in the astral realm who try to connect with Humans because they don’t know they are dead. Visiting energy or shamanic healers who are not a clear channel can also create spirit attachments— see my article which discusses the energy transfer intrinsic to these types of healing modalities and my own experiences navigating this.
A Note on Self-Empowerment and Free Will Choices
Everything in this reality we are living in is governed by our free will consent. If we have entity or spirit attachments, or are being spiritually attacked, it is because we are carrying patterns, programs, or contracts (often unknowingly) that consent to these intrusions on our sovereignty. The upside of this divine arrangement we have here on planet Earth is that we are the creators of our reality, which is generated by us through the repetition of the patterns, programs, and contracts we carrying throughout lifetimes to propel our soul’s growth and development, like codes in an algorithm. The downside of this Earth situation is that is we are typically unaware of the patterns, programs, and contracts we carry in our bodies and our soul history, and we may be consenting to things we don’t want to be that got grandfathered in throughout the line, generating repeating unwanted situations or circumstances. Our soul comes here to rewrite the codes we keep repeating to generate higher soul development options for us, and orchestrating people, places and things to help us do that. Most people who are drawn to spiritual spaces who have even a cursory awareness of the spirit world are old souls, perhaps from soul lineages that have been heavily infiltrated and attacked. People from these soul lineages may need to do a great deal of initial leg work to become sovereign once one they have a spiritual awakening, and sometimes they may even feel called to take on dark arts training, cultivate psychic gifts and becoming an expert on navigating the spirit world to unravel themselves from the web. If you’re such a person, you’ll know. You’ll likely have front-loaded your trauma in your lifetime to arm you with the resiliency and tenacity to do this work and awaken you, and you’re probably the black sheep of your family.
In the meantime, if you suspect you are experiencing an entity or spirit possession or want assistance in navigating some dark realms, I offer Rapid Removal of Entity and Spirit attachments. These services include kicking out whatever is attached to you, clearing things that permit these beings to access you such as contracts, cords, black magic, hexes, curses etc, energetically gridding you, and clearing anything in or around your house space. If you have a special request, such as removing an attachment from a pet or item, please let me know in the checkout field and I’m happy to check that for you.