My Favorite (non-sponsored) Supplements & Biohacking Tools for Moving Through a Dark Night of the Soul

Ever found yourself processing so much ancestral and childhood trauma that all you can manage to do is lay on the couch and scroll through social media in a semi-dissociated state? Perhaps even that feels exhausting because your body is locked in freeze, paralysis, and overwhelm while on the surface you appear to be “relaxing." Ohhhh, I’ve been there. I’ve had my fair share of Dark Nights of the Soul, where my body was rapidly transmuting thousands of years of ancient horrors, yet I still had to keep my life somewhat functioning. (Side note: It’s especially frustrating to have a spiritual awakening around people who haven’t awakened, who don’t understand the changes your body can go through and just see that you’re just a crazy mess! Hang in there! Find people who can help you feel normal and support you.)

Here are some tools that helped me through those intense times:

  1. Magnesium Threonate
    This type of magnesium bypasses the blood-brain barrier, calming overactive ADHD brains. Magnesium, in general, is excellent—I use it as a spray on the feet at night (!!!), or as bath salts, etc. I love to spray it on my feet and then sleep with these lovely High frequency Linen socks— socks designed for sensitive, bougie neurospicies like me who love soft textures and enjoy the feel and cooling frequency of linen! Linen is one thing the Bible got right!

  2. Lifewave Patches (Y-Age Aeon Patch, Specifically)
    I’m convinced it’s impossible to have a panic attack while wearing this phototherapy patch, as it keeps your nervous system in a parasympathetic state. I used these patches to recover from adrenal fatigue and burnout after a corporate job I hated and subsequently was able to move through the nihilism, absurdism, and existential crisis patterns of the Higher Mind in the upper chakras with minimal fuss… Dark Night of the Soul medicine right here.

  3. Adaptogens!!!
    I have a feral, foraging untameable bog witch side of me that loves to concoct little herbal teas and making tinctures and steeped brews to brighten my day and *pamper* my loved ones. These type of adrenal complex supplements incorporate most of the ones below. Some of my favorites individual herbals are:

    • Ashwagandha: Calming for the nervous system. Helps detach from obsessive OCD thinking and shame spirals. Too chill to care if you’re covered in shame goo, processing the past lifetime of religious torture you endured in a medieval dungeon.

    • Rhodiola Rosea: Intense productivity stimulant for focus and energy. I had to quit coffee for a bit  (Never again will I quit you, my sweet one!) and this was a decent substitute. 

    • Reishi Mushrooms: These feel very relaxing at night, perhaps with some L-Theanine. Make a little brew, play some sad girl music, light some candles…

    • Holy Basil: I drink this throughout the day to stay on task, and stay motivated. I don’t exactly know what it does, but I know I tend to feel better about doing the little daily tasks that being a spirit living in a little human vessel necessitates. The bills get paid, the laundry gets done; I’ve successfully kept the little creature that is me alive—this Tamagotchi lives to see another day!

      (The link is a gift for you Gen Z folk to discover and be amazed by the fact that there was a generation that went about their day in a state of anxiety worrying about whether their digital pet would die.)

    • Gotu Kola: Amazing for lower body circulation, particularly for women, as it helps with embodiment in the pelvic area. It gives a tingly enjoyable warm feeling like a wine buzz.

    • I love making steeped brewed infusions like Oat Straw and Nettles, also. So nourishing, full of minerals, and vitalizing to the body! If you take herbal supplements, you may want to take a binder (see below) regularly in case the agricultural conditions for growing these isn’t pure. Good to be safe.

  4. Acupressure Mat
    This tiny torture device is the most magical relaxation tool ever created. It’s excellent for becoming more embodied in the back, where rage and grief and inability to receive love patterns live in tangled knots at the back of the heart chakra. The little roll pillow for the lower back is amazing for targeting shame and unworthiness patterns stored there, which cause tightness and sciatica. If you want something deeper that gives that “hurts so good” fascia release feeling, get one of those little tennis balls and put it on each side of your piriformis muscle in the center of each buttock.

  5. Healthy Wave PEMF Mat
    It’s a splurge, but for those who are going through a period of time in their life when they’re having chronic pain, it may be worth it. This mat is incredibly relaxing, especially when dealing with fascia issues. Back when I used to have a lot of body pain, I would lay on this mat after a long day and it helped me find some relief. My dog loves it too, and we have a cute little ritual of laying on it and taking an afternoon nap.

  6. Modified Citrus Pectin
    When you’re releasing thousands of years of ancestral patterns and emotions in the fascia, there are other things released into the blood stream like heavy metals, parasites, and cellular junk. These uglies clog up the body and detox pathways, so I regularly take a binder to avoid getting nauseous and sick. Binders grab and bind the the gunk that ends up in your stomach and allow your body to process it more easily so it doesn’t move to your organs, getting stuck there. This stuff just makes me feel clearer and cleaner and less polluted. There are other binders that use compounds like Zeolite, Charcoal, and Chlorophyll. I like this one the best because it binds the best to both heavy metals and biological cell debris, without binding to minerals and nutrients your body needs. Do your own research— but I’ve come to realize that binders are very important for mopping up the junk that the cells when you’re moving through layers of clearing crap.

  7. Rebounding Trampoline
    Okay, yes, my downstairs neighbors may think I’m having sex when I’m bouncing on it, but honestly, I don’t care! I put on some epic soundtracks and bounce furiously when I need to release pent-up energy. It’s like a bouncy house for my soul to unwind and let out the “crazy” in manageable ways.

  8. Lithium Orotate
    I found this recommended in medical literature for women to take to help them feel connected in relationships, as it stimulates oxytocin. I find the premise odd and a bit unsettling, but I tried it and found it helpful during those lonely and isolated moments of the spiritual journey, particularly when working through black sheep patterns, alienation, isolation, and my teenage emo phase. I take it before bed and have dreams about frolicking in a meadow with a man holding hands, gazing into each other’s eyes, deeply in love. Results may vary.

  9. Chi Machine
    These are incredibly popular in Asia, and for good reason. I became very focused on optimizing fascia health after having chronic pain issues a decade ago. This machine creates a gentle back-and-forth motion in the feet, unwinding the fascia. After 15 minutes, I feel subtle energies coursing through the fascia and I feel more connected to my Higher Self. After a month of use, this feeling started to deepen and I also believe it is excellent for detoxing the lymphatic system. An alternative is doing legs-up-a-wall yoga pose every night.

  10. Ozone Anything
    I’m in love with my ozone machine. Ozone therapy is so powerful for healing, clearing parasites, toxins, and diving into deeper layers of embodiment. Ozone is pricey though, and unless you’re fanatical about embodiment or have a health crisis that necessitates something drastic, perhaps just try some some already-made ozone products from Promolife.

  11. Red Light Therapy
    Everyone knows now how great red light therapy is for the body’s organ systems. There are many panels out there, and many great guides comparing. I find that low EMF panels are the best for me (I hear high pitched frequencies in my ears with EMF that affects my spiritual guidance system). I turned a closet into a red light sauna during my days of healing autoimmune issues (which I no longer have!) and it was my place of refuge, my moment of respite from pain and exhaustion. 

  12. TRE Exercises
    These exercises release a ton of tension stored in the Psoas, where so much of our emotional and physical stress is held. It’s wild how much this body technique can release—extremely powerful for healing stored tension. There are videos of this series of exercises online, and I try to remember to do them now and then as it activates a powerful primordial ancient body reset button that makes your body starts violently shaking and releasing tension. 

  13. Castor Oil Packs + Heating Pad
    Castor oil packs on the abdomen, paired with a heating pad, are incredibly powerful for helping you become embodied in the solar plexus and deep layers of the Psoas. So much emotional storage, especially for women, occurs in the womb and uterus areas, and this is great for fibroids and anything else in those areas. Sleep with it on all night for the most powerful healing and wake up feeling extremely cleared out energetically in the solar plexus area.

**Disclaimer: These are the things that have helped me but please use your inner guidance system and/or your doctor to see if these things are right for you. I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice, however in my experience most ailments have spiritual origins).

I’ve generated links to supplement brands/tools, however there are many brands that work and this is just a jumping off point to use for conducting your own research to help support your mind, body and spirit during this difficult (but transformative) time.

Find a Healer

An energy or frequency/quantum healer can help you move past these dark times more quickly and smoothly. Here is a guide I wrote on the things you might consider when selecting a healer.

If it resonates, book a session with me to help you move past your dark times by collapsing ancestral sludge and childhood trauma and putting you in a higher frequency state. Happy to help you purge some nasty shit to help get you out of the cosmic swamp.

Cosmic Exorcist

Your Friendly Neighborhood Cosmic Exorcist: Specializing in entity removals, psychedelic integration, ancestral work, and trauma healing, I offer powerful remote healing sessions for those navigating spiritual awakenings. This work blends Frequency and Quantum Healing, Medical Mediumship, Shamanic Journeying, and “Parts Work” (IFS), clearing energetic blockages and repeating patterns in ancestral and soul histories from their inception point. Ready to move beyond the limitations that keep you from accessing your best life? Book a session with me.


The Ultimate Guide to Spirit and Entity Attachments: Signs, Causes, and Healing Solutions